Even with all the recent rains, our water issues have not gone away. The September date for Save Lake Travis was cancelled due to rain, but the weather forecast for this Sunday is partly sunny and beautiful.
Grab your favorite outdoor chair and head over to the Sail & Ski Yacht Club this Sunday evening. Shades Cafe will provide a full service bar (cash only) and the outdoor stage for live music by Lohman’s Crossing Band. Keith’s BBQ and ATX Corndog food trucks will be on the scene.
Besides an evening of fun, you’ll gain a better understanding of how the way water is being (mis)managed in the Lower Colorado River Basin and learn more about what you can do to help and what is already being done.
Did you know?
- In 2011, the hottest year on record combined with the lowest inflow of water, LCRA released huge amounts of water from Lake Travis to the rice farmers downstream. It was 3 times the amount of water than the City of Austin used for the whole year.
- Austin receives 170 acre feet of raw stored water annually for their customers at a cost of $151 per acre foot. In 2011, irrigators downstream received 433,000 acre feet of stored water at less than $6 per acre foot.
- Due to LCRA selling water out of Spicewood Beach wells combined with low lake levels, water has had to be trucked into the community since December 2011.
- LCRA’s proposed Water Management Plan does not take into account recent drought years of 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013.
Central Texas Water Coalition (CTWC) supports proper water management of the Lower Colorado River Basin to protect and maintain a safe and reliable water supply.
Admission to this event is free, but the CTWC will be seeking donations for help with legal costs, funding for needed scientific research and education efforts. All proceeds will go to help CTWC and Friends of CTWC in this crucial effort.
If we don’t change current LCRA policies, we are destined to have lower and lower lake levels.
When & Where
Sunday, October 20, 2013
5 pm to 8 pm
Shades Outdoor Music Stage at Sail and Ski Yacht Club
16406 Stewart Rd. Lakeway, TX 78734 (map)