A mother is a special member of an elite, yet exhausting club.
We’re constantly stressed, busy, multitasking and in need of a foot rub.
Mom life forces you to do things you never thought you’d do.
Like remain calm when you see bodily fluids and not shriek, “Ewww!?”
Over the years you’ve cleaned up drool, spills, poop and pee.
If you’ve caught vomit in your purse at the Galleria, you’ve exclaimed, “yippee!”
On the way to school, practices and games with healthy snacks in tow you thrive.
620 is backed up for miles? We’ll take Serene Hills Drive!
You can survive on Cheetos, Goldfish, Greek yogurt and coffee of Krup
It doesn’t phase you when your son – in All Star Burger – hands you his youth athletic cup.
What you really wanna do is stay up all night binge-watching Game of Thrones.
Sleep until noon and rest your tired bones.
Your kids do the laundry and mop the floors.
They say “please” and “thank you” and hold open doors.
They don’t bicker or argue or pick their noses.
They wash hands for 2 solid minutes and make sure the toilet seat closes.
Moms are taxis, maids, chefs, tutors and playdate planners galore.
We yearn for simple things like a shower in peace, without a kid at the door.
“Mom!?! It’s important! Fidget spinners are back in stock at the Learning Express store…”
We nurse imaginary boo-boos, real tears, hurt feelings and skinned knees.
We tell embarrassing when-I-was-your-age stories to put them at ease.
At night, we like to gaze at their beautiful faces as they sleep.
Because they’ll always be our precious little angels, that bond runs deep.
Sure, sometimes mom life is like tossing chaos in a blender and pressing purée,
But the truth is we wouldn’t have it any other way.
Could not have said it better! Happy Mother’s Day.